Team Scouting Report |
(As Of 06/10/2024) |
2024 |
Section - Southern |
Area - AL - Tuscaloosa |
League - 2024 Tuscaloosa USTA Adult Fall-Weeknight 18&over |
Flight - 3.0 Women |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
League Record: 0 - 4 |
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order) |
Morgan Smyth - 2.75 |
Katherine Waddell - 2.72 |
Madison Moore - 2.68 |
Lauren Cleavelin - 2.59 |
Kacie Spruill - 2.58 |
Danna Mills - 2.54 |
Stacy Barnes - 2.49 |
Johanna Cole - 2.46 |
Alison Phillips - 2.41 |
Addie Akins - 2.33 |
Jill Oswalt - 2.30 |
Linda Canterbury - 2.21 |
Riley ORear - n/a |
Hallie Oswalt - n/a |
League Results By Position |
1S |
1D |
2D |
3D |
Morgan Smyth - 2.75 & Lauren Cleavelin - 2.59 |
2 - 0 |
Morgan Smyth - 2.75 & Katherine Waddell - 2.72 |
0 - 1 |
Johanna Cole - 2.46 & Stacy Barnes - 2.49 |
0 - 1 |
Johanna Cole - 2.46 & Jill Oswalt - 2.30 |
0 - 1 |
Johanna Cole - 2.46 & Madison Moore - 2.68 |
0 - 1 |
Stacy Barnes - 2.49 & Addie Akins - 2.33 |
0 - 1 |
Stacy Barnes - 2.49 & Danna Mills - 2.54 |
0 - 1 |
Riley ORear - n/a & Alison Phillips - 2.41 |
0 - 1 |
Riley ORear - n/a & Jill Oswalt - 2.30 |
0 - 1 |
Kacie Spruill - 2.58 & Lauren Cleavelin - 2.59 |
0 - 1 |
Kacie Spruill - 2.58 & Alison Phillips - 2.41 |
0 - 1 |
Kacie Spruill - 2.58 |
0 - 1 |
Addie Akins - 2.33 & Linda Canterbury - 2.21 |
0 - 1 |
Addie Akins - 2.33 & Katherine Waddell - 2.72 |
0 - 1 |
Addie Akins - 2.33 |
0 - 1 |
Danna Mills - 2.54 & Katherine Waddell - 2.72 |
1 - 0 |
Lauren Cleavelin - 2.59 |
0 - 1 |
Alison Phillips - 2.41 |
0 - 1 |
Linda Canterbury - 2.21 & Madison Moore - 2.68 |
0 - 1 |
Linda Canterbury - 2.21 & Hallie Oswalt - n/a |
0 - 1 |
Jill Oswalt - 2.30 & Hallie Oswalt - n/a |
0 - 1 |
Madison Moore - 2.68 |
1 - 0 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
TU - Sandras |
League Record: 3 - 1 |
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order) |
Cari Sandras - 3.18 |
Gayle Faught - 3.13 |
Melanie Higgins - 3.11 |
Stanislava Chtarbanova - 2.92 |
Hanna Gardner - 2.86 |
Dindy Davis - 2.82 |
Ciana Ortiguera - 2.78 |
Brandi LaBresh - 2.67 |
Kim Curcuru - 2.66 |
Hailey Howell - 2.66 |
Leigh Allen - 2.60 |
Jessica Cicatiello - 2.47 |
Susan Whitley - 2.44 |
Robbie Barrineau - n/a |
League Results By Position |
1S |
1D |
2D |
3D |
Jessica Cicatiello - 2.47 & Leigh Allen - 2.60 |
0 - 1 |
Jessica Cicatiello - 2.47 & Robbie Barrineau - n/a |
1 - 0 |
Ciana Ortiguera - 2.78 & Stanislava Chtarbanova - 2.92 |
0 - 1 |
Ciana Ortiguera - 2.78 & Gayle Faught - 3.13 |
1 - 0 |
Brandi LaBresh - 2.67 & Kim Curcuru - 2.66 |
1 - 0 |
Leigh Allen - 2.60 & Kim Curcuru - 2.66 |
1 - 1 |
Robbie Barrineau - n/a & Cari Sandras - 3.18 |
1 - 1 |
Stanislava Chtarbanova - 2.92 & Cari Sandras - 3.18 |
1 - 0 |
Stanislava Chtarbanova - 2.92 & Melanie Higgins - 3.11 |
1 - 0 |
1 - 0 |
Stanislava Chtarbanova - 2.92 & Kim Curcuru - 2.66 |
1 - 0 |
Cari Sandras - 3.18 & Hailey Howell - 2.66 |
0 - 1 |
Gayle Faught - 3.13 & Melanie Higgins - 3.11 |
1 - 0 |
Gayle Faught - 3.13 |
2 - 0 |
Melanie Higgins - 3.11 |
1 - 0 |
Hanna Gardner - 2.86 |
1 - 1 |
Susan Whitley - 2.44 & Dindy Davis - 2.82 |
0 - 1 |
Susan Whitley - 2.44 & Jessica Cicatiello - 2.47 |
1 - 0 |
Susan Whitley - 2.44 & Ciana Ortiguera - 2.78 |
1 - 0 |
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IHCC Killian |
League Record: 1 - 3 |
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order) |
Meggan Shafer - 2.89 |
Frances Pruett - 2.79 |
Katlin Hancock - 2.77 |
Laura Ryan - 2.75 |
Christy Duren - 2.74 |
Leigh Killian - 2.68 |
Kim Harwood - 2.61 |
Rene Sheffield - 2.59 |
Lauren Buckalew - 2.56 |
Leigh Wright - 2.53 |
Tricia Murphy - 2.28 |
Suzie Link - n/a |
League Results By Position |
1S |
1D |
2D |
3D |
Kim Harwood - 2.61 & Tricia Murphy - 2.28 |
0 - 1 |
Kim Harwood - 2.61 & Rene Sheffield - 2.59 |
1 - 1 |
Tricia Murphy - 2.28 & Katlin Hancock - 2.77 |
1 - 1 |
Katlin Hancock - 2.77 |
0 - 1 |
Frances Pruett - 2.79 & Lauren Buckalew - 2.56 |
0 - 1 |
1 - 0 |
Lauren Buckalew - 2.56 |
1 - 0 |
Christy Duren - 2.74 & Tricia Murphy - 2.28 |
1 - 0 |
Christy Duren - 2.74 & Laura Ryan - 2.75 |
0 - 1 |
Christy Duren - 2.74 & Leigh Killian - 2.68 |
0 - 1 |
Suzie Link - n/a & Meggan Shafer - 2.89 |
0 - 1 |
Suzie Link - n/a & Leigh Killian - 2.68 |
0 - 1 |
Laura Ryan - 2.75 & Leigh Killian - 2.68 |
0 - 1 |
Laura Ryan - 2.75 |
2 - 0 |
Leigh Killian - 2.68 & Meggan Shafer - 2.89 |
1 - 0 |
Leigh Killian - 2.68 & Leigh Wright - 2.53 |
1 - 0 |
0 - 1 |
Leigh Wright - 2.53 & Tricia Murphy - 2.28 |
0 - 2 |
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TTC - Zimmer Fall 3.0 |
League Record: 4 - 0 |
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order) |
Anne Miller - 3.05 |
Taylor Baggett - 3.01 |
Stephanie Kirkland - 2.88 |
Erin Moore - 2.88 |
Tara Ketchum - 2.87 |
Heather English - 2.87 |
Lynn Zimmer - 2.85 |
Ashlyn Cash - 2.85 |
Amanda Arnold - 2.72 |
Lisa Bristow - 2.65 |
Olivia Outlaw - 2.62 |
Debra Burroughs - 2.61 |
Gina Simpson - 2.43 |
Allison Anderson - 2.36 |
League Results By Position |
1S |
1D |
2D |
3D |
Allison Anderson - 2.36 |
0 - 2 |
Amanda Arnold - 2.72 & Tara Ketchum - 2.87 |
0 - 1 |
Amanda Arnold - 2.72 & Stephanie Kirkland - 2.88 |
1 - 0 |
1 - 0 |
Tara Ketchum - 2.87 |
0 - 2 |
Lisa Bristow - 2.65 & Olivia Outlaw - 2.62 |
1 - 0 |
1 - 0 |
Gina Simpson - 2.43 & Erin Moore - 2.88 |
1 - 1 |
Gina Simpson - 2.43 & Olivia Outlaw - 2.62 |
1 - 0 |
Heather English - 2.87 & Ashlyn Cash - 2.85 |
0 - 1 |
1 - 0 |
Heather English - 2.87 & LAURA THOMAS - 2.62 |
1 - 0 |
Stephanie Kirkland - 2.88 & Debra Burroughs - 2.61 |
1 - 0 |
Erin Moore - 2.88 |
1 - 0 |
Lynn Zimmer - 2.85 & Anne Miller - 3.05 |
1 - 0 |
Lynn Zimmer - 2.85 & Taylor Baggett - 3.01 |
1 - 0 |
1 - 0 |
Ashlyn Cash - 2.85 & Taylor Baggett - 3.01 |
1 - 0 |
Debra Burroughs - 2.61 & LAURA THOMAS - 2.62 |
1 - 0 |
Anne Miller - 3.05 & Taylor Baggett - 3.01 |
1 - 0 |
Anne Miller - 3.05 |
1 - 0 |